Mr. Ed is back in film form

We all love Mr. Ed, the talking horse who taught us that horses can be more than horses, as long as they are Mr. Ed. And as Mr. Ed is Mr. Ed, it is very convenient for him and us. But enough of that, as Mr. Ed is coming back in film form! Fox 2000 decided that now was the time for a Mr. Ed film, to capitalize on that sweet Hot to Trot money. Remember, the original series aired from 1961 to 1966, and lived on in reruns forever. There was an attempt to redo the series on TV with Sherman Hemsley, but that was so good the writer/producer killed himself before the pilot was finished. So far the only name attached to Mr. Ed is Carla Hackan, who better be refilling her antidepressant prescriptions. I hope this also means a Francis the Talking Mule reboot is around the corner.
Mr Ed

Best comic ever!


Francis the Talking Mule

Yes, he had one too!

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