Wingnut Web – Using FEMA Camps for Good, Not Evil Edition

Well, on this Martin Luther King Day, let us celebrate by not judging posters by the color of their avatars, but by the content of their posts. And these posts show they are awful, awful people. But what else do you expect from We got a bunch of crazy mo-fos today. We got people justifying not giving money to Haiti, we got birthers, we got people threatening to overthrow the US government, we got crazy women writing walls of text, we got a guy saying it is moral to be a greedy SOB, and we got an internet game designer caught being a liar. But don’t worry, the Mass election is already stolen (unless the Dems lose, in which case it is because America is waking up and not because Coakley is a horrible candidate who basically took a month off to do nothing) and Obama is just going to overthrow everything and put us all in FEMA camps. Where life will just be like an episode of Salute Your Shorts. Just call me Kevin “Ug” Lee.

Let’s begin!

If people vote, it’s time to take down America!

Ed Miller is putting in his buck o’five

Hey, remember when the Obama’s Coup Fails guys lied and said they were a mix of Republican and Democrats? CAUGHT!

I am not sure this is legal, but here is is preserved for all time!

Mexicans, in MY America?

Look at this warmonger wanting us to invade TWO more countries!

The Bobby Jindal Birthers are out early…

Someone actually did this.

If the Republicans lose in MA, then the entire world will think Americans are wimps! Because us Republicans really care what the rest of the world thinks about us…

RICHARD SANDERS is disappointed that all his conservative heroes are selfish jerks…

Gun Avatar Moron #1 says “Screw them Haitians, give me money!”

This self-centered bigot clown is sending all his money to horrible people running for office and the poor and injured can just frak off. Like Jesus would do!

Richard Sanders can’t type like a normal human being

Melinda is a great example of crazy.

Go, Melinda! Crazy Resistnet up a notch!

If you give money to Haiti, you are like Neville Chamberlain…

Blah blah, I love to hear myself talk..

If we say we’re winning, then we are and everyone we hate are all liberals anyway…

I think if they read your posts, they would spin so fast we could hook them up to generators and power the entire planet.

Gee, it’s someone who doesn’t get it so much he almost gets it. Except he’s too stupid to know what he’s doing!

Unions suck almost as much as my typing!

Challenge anyone with dark skin. Beat them mercilessly.

The Duke’s example? So dodge military service to become an actor and pretend you are some military tough guy while in reality you are nothing but a chickenhawk? Sounds like Conservatives have been following him for decades…

Hey, Cowboy Jim, didn’t we already catch you wanting to overthrow the US Government? Now you want them all to be military (which means Dick Cheney is out, and so is Princess Palin…)

They are racist against those blacks who will all riot and burn down the inner city because blacks are little children but liberals are the real racists!

Maxstake: You are a raving lunatic. Thanks for asking!

Maxstake proving my point right here…

Let’s go crazy!

We can’t help Haiti because the Constitution specifically says “Don’t help Haiti”

Why doesn’t the Dominican Republic take the lead? That way the US won’t have to help Black people who will all become welfare queens.

Maybe your wife shouldn’t be waiting for a handout!

Me caring about nothing but getting me money? Totally moral. Jesus was all about getting wealth!

Melinda is back with a block of crazy!

Charlie Mike dares to challenge the Melinda

Melinda pounces! She probably was so upset over this she spent the night writing a manifesto about how Charlie Mike is Obama’s father.

So Sonny writes about having driven a few black people out of his town with an angry mob as if it was just commonplace. Resistnet wins again!

That’s enough Resisting for now. Tuesday is the big election, so expect a bunch of posts about how the election was stolen or about how Obama is doomed next time. Whatever the outcome, Wingnut Web wins because they’ll make the updates for us! WoooooOOOoooOOo!!!

One thought on “Wingnut Web – Using FEMA Camps for Good, Not Evil Edition

  1. So maybe the Brit, Neil Sankey can succeed where the Russian immigrant (from the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic) has failed, bring it on.

    Poor little Birthers (still in denial about their losses), Judge Land and now judge Carter, smack down the crazies (case dismissed).

    Not even “Fake News” Glenn Beck or Bill O’Reilly believes the crazies, how funny.

    To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true (TOUGH WHEN YOU KEEP LOSING CASES), if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it’s called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, he travel abroad before he was a Senator, but I guess they were in on it.

    In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”.

    I wonder if she is a mail order bride, just like her law degree? She is perfect reporter material for “Fake News”, where unfounded rumors and innuendo reign supreme , unlike a our US courts of law, where you need to present documented facts, not half baked lies (prepare for more failures).

    A lawyer, dentist, realtor and black belt, WOW I must say a JACK of all trades master of none

    I heard that she now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC). She wants to re-establish a family values party.

    I can only hope that Taitz will resist the state collectors that will be hounding her like the “ruff ruff” that she is to collect the $20K.

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