Crazy Racist Wingnut Republican Tea Party Power Hour – Part III

Or something. I have lost count. It seems those darn teabaggers and Republicans are always causing trouble. This is some recent events that keep happening when I am trying to work or find high resolution pictures of bees so I can photoshop them so they are eating ice cream:

1 – Confederate History Month x2 – Both Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour have declared Treason In Defense Of Slavery History Months. I mean, Confederate History Month. So all those Patriotic Americans are flocking to support this celebration of treason. I am sure this is doing wonders for the Republicans trying to look not-racist. And neither governor bothered to mention slavery at all, which is odd, since it was the whole point of the war. The backpedaling then began…

To me it’s a sort of feeling that it’s just a nit. That it is not significant. It’s trying to make a big deal out of something that doesn’t matter for diddly.

Let’s celebrate Sherman’s March by reenacting it each year! You see, our cultural heritage is important and your feelings don’t matter for diddly….

2- Report about tea party shows that many of them seem to think that blacks and latinos are lazy. And the richer you are, the more you think blacks and latinos are lazy!

Approximately 45% of Whites either strongly or somewhat approve of the movement. Of those, only 35% believe Blacks to be hardworking, only 45 % believe Blacks are intelligent, and only 41% think that Blacks are trustworthy. Perceptions of Latinos aren’t much different. While 54% of White Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be hardworking, only 44% think them intelligent, and even fewer, 42% of Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be trustworthy. When it comes to gays and lesbians, White Tea Party supporters also hold negative attitudes. Only 36% think gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to adopt children, and just 17% are in favor of same-sex marriage.

For some happy news, the Tea Party is rating less popular than the IRS! (pdf link) – Suck it, teabaggers!

3- New York Teabagger backed Governor candidate Carl Paladino sent racist emails for months before someone bothered to alert anyone. Meaning all his teabagger buddies were perfectly fine with the constant stream of racist crap. And the bestiality! But it is all the Democrats’ fault!
Overview of the email forwards at WNYmedia, with more here and here

Don’t the the Teabaggers tell you that Carl Paladino (who has also fathered a child out of wedlock) isn’t a tea party endorsed candidate, as he was speaking at their rallies as little as April 8th and getting good press on FR!

Wah! Those nasty Dems made me send the Horse Porn!

4- Speaking of racist teabaggers, controversial tweets on the Twitter page of the local Springboro Tea Party have “triggered cancellations by several local and statewide candidates and elected officials”

This tweet:

Sent by a guy with a half-Latino son! The guy is Sonny Thomas, and his ex says: “Basically, it’s like he’s saying he hates his son,” said the mother of Thomas’ son, Alana Turner. Sonny Thomas is a classy guy who just got visitation rights back for said son after losing them for domestic violence shenanigans. Sonny Thomas is also blaming his racism on the Bee Gees! Yes, seriously! –

“As I am a lifetime music lover of all genres, I always have some sort of song that can fit almost any occasion or situation. Coincidently the song “Spicks and Specks” by the Bee Gees had been on my player. I made the reference to the song not stopping to think of the era that it was produced and taken out of context could be offensive to some people.“

Notice the pattern of blame here? It is never their own fault. Party of personal responsibility my butt!

5- Ohio teabaggers have been given their marching orders – don’t be racist! Also, don’t be drunk and don’t throw money at sick people.

6- Oklahoma lawmakers want to set up a Teabagger Militia! I am sure that won’t result in another federal building in Oklahoma with a big smoking hole in it.

7- Victoria Jackson is still crazy

8- In non-racism but just stupid news, the OnlineTaxRevolt is sending out emails begging for money so they can pay to get their April 15th march on TV.

Oh, and remember, all these many, many, many, many incidents are just a few bad apples!

Proud to be Tim McVeigh

Or at least the Teabaggers all are. So says Sean Hannity when he isn’t pocketing all the money going to his charity. And then he gets applause from the teabagging idiots he just called domestic terrorists. Sigh…

(as an aside, the text ads in this post were about Voodoo Revenge Hexes when I previewed. I don’t know what that means…)

Wingnut Web – is close on brown power LING on the porch Edition has been allowing terrible comments for months and months despite their moderation system (the moderators don’t seem to mind many of the horrible messages even if they are reported) and they have been part of the recent increase in noise by the fringe elements of the Teabaggers (by fringe we mean almost every teabagger). As the Tea Party continues to get more and more violent, their online rhetoric grows at the same pace. These comments are from just before the HCR bill passed the house, but the posting got delayed because Resistnet’s response was funnier and more crazy. But now it is time for to shine!

Let’s start out with this guy, Liberal Pacifier. let’s people use pictures as their user names (let’s might be another term for “not smart enough to figure out how to prevent”) and this guy takes the cake. You might think this is a one-off deal and he quickly got banned. You’d be wrong, as he posted over 100 times in a span of hours in just one article comments section I read, which gave the admins plenty of time to ban him had they had a problem with his name.

Another stellar debater, and he has a familiar friend!

America is so great we don’t have spell check or the Shift key!

Another idiot with a picture name. The best part of this article is picturing the tears streaming down Liberal Pacifier’s face when the Dems aren’t blown out in November.

You might think this comment was in response to something. You’d be wrong.

I have no idea what this guy is saying.

Giving health care to everyone=inciting rebellion. Good to know.

Funny how you don’t recognize the consent of the majority when it involves them voting in a black guy as president

Help, the cashier lady is saying we’ll all be cannibals because we are smart! Wait, what?

This guy is just full of win!

Probably because they aren’t insane. Okay, that insane.

Hey, someone calling for a military coup of the USA, on, and the moderators approve the comment and leave it up for hours and hours!

I wonder what the other options Teri W is thinking of are…

Things are getting pretty stupid, but it’s your side doing the stupid.

Kill all Wikipedias!
fn15.jpg is a chore to read and their comments section is filled with bonkers idiots who probably went even more insane after health care passed.

Wingnut Web: Let the Tea Party violence begin (continue?)!

A few days ago I posted about all the overtly violent threats and actions the folks over at Resistnet had to offer on the eve of the passage of Healthcare Reform. The world is no stranger to idiots making fiery threats towards others over the internet, some of the power behind websites like Resistnet lies in the fact that it’s a very small community echoing each other’s thoughts to the point that they believe these opinions (shared by maybe a dozen of their compatriots on the site) are in actuality the attitudes of everyone who feels discontented by the things President Obama has done.

Unfortunately for those of us who love the country and want to see it succeed (not secede like these Tea Party “patriots”) no matter who is in charge or what legislation they aim to pass, the populist violence party that used to be contained on the internet is now frothing up and spilling out onto the streets irl. Springboarding from my post a few days ago, I thought it would be appropriate to jot down all the real ACTUAL violence, threatening phone calls, vandalism, and other ironically “patriotic” acts that no doubt those who identify with the Tea Party, Birther, Militia, Oathkeeper, White Nationalist, and other movements are behind. It’s been less than a week since the vote on Healthcare Reform so what you’re going to read here are just the juvenile beginnings of what will prove to be a really ugly time in American History (as if everything since the election of President Obama wasn’t bad enough).

1. Sen. Bart Stupak’s threatening phone calls from loving concerned Christians who wish on him ass-bleeding cancer:

It’s great to hear from these angry God-fearing Christians who value the lives of other people’s unborn children so much that they wish death, anal cancer, beatings, bleeping bleep bleep, and other fun things on a fellow Christian. Its no use trying to talk or reason on a theological level with these people, it’s a wonder what they learn at church every Sunday. I don’t even think God himself could come down from the clouds and convince these people that they are the literal embodiment of brain-curdling migraine-inducing irony.

Rep. Louise Slaughter also received threatening phone calls indicating that snipers would kill her and her family. Oh and speaking of Louise Slaughter…

2. Bricks thrown through the office windows of Rep. Louise Slaughter and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords:

Nothing says “populist rage” like people throwing bricks through the windows of Democratic representatives offices. Incidents of window smashing was reported in New York, Arizona, Kansas, and Alabama, with some possibly linking the Alabama incident to a blogger in that area. Republican Whip Eric Cantor also reported that apparently someone had fired a bullet through the windows at his offices in Richmond, VA but it’s doubtful how true this is seeing as Cantor is a Republican and voted against Healthcare Reform. But hey, Virginians love firing those guns.

3. Gas line cut at Rep. Tom Perriello’s brother’s home

This one is not as big of a deal on the surface. Reports would suggest that Tea Baggers dug through the man’s backyard and severed a natural gas pipeline or something, but in reality they disconnected the propane tank from the man’s outdoor grill and let the gas escape, maybe hoping for God to throw down a lightning bolt and ignite the whole thing.

The fucked up thing about this item however is that Tea Partiers posted online the home address of what they though was Rep. Tom Perriello’s house and encouraged their community members to go to the man’s home address and express their discontent over Healthcare Reform to him personally. I guess “express yourself” to these people means “fuck with that guy’s shit”. If I get a brick through my front window in the next few days I’ll know it’s from these same people with poor address skills.

4. Rep. James Clyburn receives faxes of nooses

The same guy who the same tea partiers were calling “nigger” on the steps of the Capitol building a few days ago are now faxing the offices of of Rep. Clyburn, a man who fought alongside the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s (another movement that was wayyyyy unpopular with the Republican party), receiving images synonymous with lynching and death. Keep it classy Tea Party!

5. “White Powder” sent to Rep. Anthony Weiner’s office in Queens

This one is sort of breaking today, a suspicious package containing white powder was sent to the offices of Rep. Anthony Weiner in Queens. The news isn’t confirming if this is like the many many incidents of people just sending flour through the mail to create some chaos at a government office or if it’s like those two cases of Anthrax or other poisons being sent to a government office in order to kill people (but those were terrorists who did that, these Tea Party “patriots” would never stoop to the actions of terrorists, right?). We’ll see how this one plays out.

But yeah, pretty much those fuming mad Tea Partiers who are fuming mad that their tax dollars might go towards public programs that help other people (unlike where their tax dollars have been spent on years), are now turning their internet rage into real life rage and throwing bricks and threatening people and all the rest of it. It’s unclear who exactly are perpetrating these crimes, but we here at are pretty sure that they follow and post on the same networks as,, and the same ilk who would love to abort all those lawmakers who helped pass Healthcare Reform.

And the kicker? Those lawmakers on the side of the Tea Parties aren’t condemning any of this. They love it! They support it! They want to see these people throw bricks and threaten and hurt people because it’s good for their politics. Not quite good for the country, but when have guys like John McCain cared about “Country First”?

Oh yeah, and Sarah Palin is declaring open season on hunting Blue Dog Democrats, here PAC releasing this map targeting the congressmen’s home district locations with rifle sights. No one would ever interpret this in terms of guns, right?


It seems as though I missed a few incidents in my initial post, so here are a few extra Tea Bagging tricks to update you about.

6. Coffin placed on the front porch of Rep. Russ Carnahan’s Missouri home

A coffin is substantially harder to propel through a window than a brick, a concept I don’t think the people behind this act initially realized. Coffins are expensive though! I wonder if this was just a simple pine box that some proud Missourian built or if some lout decided he’d rather die on the battlefield with his Tea Party brothers rather than be buried in the coffin he bought for the coming 2012 apocalypse.

An update to item #3:

The administrators at the Danville Tea Party seem to be the ones responsible for posting the incorrect address of Rep. Tom Perriello’s house where a gas tank line was severed. The AP spoke to the Tea Party group’s leader, Nigel Coleman, who had the following words of remorse:

Nigel Coleman, chairman of the Danville Tea Party, said he re-posted the comment that originated on another conservative blog, including the address, Monday on his Facebook page. The posts were taken down after the mistake was discovered.

“We’ve never been associated with any violence or any vandalism,” he said. “We’re definitely sorry that we posted the incorrect address.”

Thank you Gawker for the updated information and for pointing me to this excellent map of violent outbursts of populist rage that Talking Points Memo has created. There’s a war goin on outside folks!